About Us
Who We Are
Manufacturers of industrial cleaning and drying systems
Greco Cleaning Systems, Inc. supplies ultrasonic cleaners, rinse tanks, rinse water deionizers, hot air parts dryers, and centrifugal dryers to the medical, 3-D post processing, electronic, precison machining, defense, and metal finishing industries; offering solutions to nearly any cleaning problem. All of our cleaning and drying equipment is built in the United States and designed for durability and ease of use.
How Greco Brothers, Inc. became Greco Cleaning Systems, Inc.
In 1945, seven brothers were returning from serving their country in World War II. They found themselves looking for work at a time when the textile industry was leaving the Providence, Rhode Island and Southern Massachussetts, and relocating in the South. They discovered however, that the local jewelry plating industry was beginning to fill the void and was in need of a good source for plating tanks. At that time, plating tanks were constructed from wood and lined with tar, which was used as a sealant. After determining that the jewelry plating market had potential for a promising future, the brothers assembled a woodworking shop in their mother's basement, and began building tanks and lining them with tar. Greco Brothers Incorporated was born.
It was soon necessary to expand into more more suitable facilities. New construction materials were eventually available for building plating tanks. Greco Brothers manufactured plating tanks throughout the 50's, 60's, and early 70's, eventually building tanks in stainless steel, fiberglass, and polypropylene. We also supplied burnishing equipment in the form of tumblers and mass-finishing vibrators.
In the mid 1970's Greco Brothers diversified into the part-cleaning industry. By the early 1980's our line of cleaning equipment had expanded to include ultrasonic cleaners, rinse purifiers, hot air dryers, centrifugal dryers, and vapor degreasers. This equipment was marketed under the Greco Brothers name, as well as private-labeled for other equipment suppliers. Our customer base grew to include manufacturers in the medical, electronic, precison machining, defense, and metal finishing industries. The Greco name became synonomous with quality cleaning and drying equipment.
In the early 1990's, due to a perfect storm of environmental regulations, the rise in the price of gold, and changes in popular fashion, the local jewelry plating industry began a cataclysmic decline. By the mid 1990's it had become a mere shadow of its former self. Greco Brothers' cleaning equipment business was growing quickly, but not nearly fast enough to make up for the loss of plating equipment sales resulting from the catastrophic decline in the jewelry plating industry.
To compensate for the loss of this previously-enormous customer base, we decided to take advantage of our expertise in stainless steel fabrication. A custom-fabrication service was developed. Our custom-fabrication service produced nearly any weldment that could be built from stainless steel. We built custom-designed benches, cabinets, frames, tanks, pans, and nearly any stainless steel product that our customers requested - all while continuing to grow our cleaning equipment business. Around 2010 however, we determined that the time required to engineer and build these custom products was competing with the time we would have liked to devote to our primary area of expertise - cleaning equipment. So, we began to scale back our promotion of custom weldments and to concentrate more time developing and improving our line of cleaning and drying equipment.
In 2017, Greco Cleaning Systems was formed to pave the way for a separation of our custom-weldment and cleaning equipment groups. In 2018, the custom fabrication portion of the business was sold and Greco Cleaning Systems took over the complete line of cleaning and drying equipment formerly offered by Greco Brothers. Today, in addition to offering the same full line of aqueous cleaning and drying equipment, we continue to provide parts and technical assistance for all products previously marketed by Greco Brothers.